For us, cooperation does not end with the purchase of the software.
We provide outstanding advice that goes far beyond the usual support service.

If you have proposals, wishes or support requests, contact

LOG4VIEW Support Forum

In the Log4View forum you can find answers to questions about fixed problems, how-to’s, updates, settings and much more.


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Our license portal

Log4View Service Level Agreement

With the purchase of Log4View customers are entitled to one year of free Technical Support via  E-Mail and internet. This support covers all questions concerning installation, licensing and use of Log4View. Support requests will be normally answered by PROSA at the same day, at most within two business days.

Upon mutual agreement by both parties, PROSA shall:

  1. Provide near-term fixes to critical software bugs. PROSA will make all efforts to deliver such fixes within few days, at most within one week.
  2. Provide corrections for non-critical bugs in the next major release.

The Prosa licensing web portal allows you to manage specific aspects of your license and its activations.
You want to receive major updates but your license has expired? Check if your license is eligible for a renewal. Renewals have a reduced price compared to complete new licenses.

to the licensing portal